What if there was a pill that made you into who you wanted to be? Would you take it?
If I could go back 5 years and take a single pill that would change my body overnight the way years of hard work did, do you think I'd take it? I thought about that very scenario tonight and the answer is HELL NO! This journey may have started with wanting to change my body, but that is not what made me who I am. If I had just taken a pill and changed my body overnight I would have never in creased my confidence, found my passion, my voice, my purpose. I would have never seen myself as a leader, never would have rapped on stage, met the people that I have, or changed who I was at the core. I still would have that old voice in my head tearing me down, being my own worst enemy. I would still believe that I wasn't worth it, or deserving of success and good things. I would still be depressed and have some serious anxiety. You see, it may have started with wanting abs but that's not all that happens when you change your lifestyle. That's