When Anthony Kiedis from the Red Hot Chili Peppers came on stage Sunday night the first thing that came to my mind was, "damn, he looks good". The second thing was, "I wonder how old he is". So obviously I went right to google and did some research. The information I found went above and beyond what I was expecting to learn. Anthony is 51 years old. He is a dad of a 5 year old boy who is named after his favorite band, his godfather was Sonny Bono, and he was voted sexiest male vegan by PETA. Because he seems so fit and healthy, it surprised me to learn that Anthony had actually been an avid drug user and heroin addict in the past. He even contracted the hepatitis C virus from his experimentation. He was addicted to some bad things, that were draining his life. These days instead of shooting heroin, Kiedis is addicted to things that are actually good for him. He focuses on his health, fitness, and family. Although I wasn't in as deep as Anthony, I
LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Abolutely delicious!