Insanity Max: 30

Are you a Shaun T lover like I am? Have you been doing T25, but are ready to take it to the next level? I am! That is why I am beyond excited for Insanity: MAX 30!!

When I tried Insanity at the beginning of my fitness journey I have to admit, I was not a fan. I just wasn't ready for that workout at that point in my life...2 years later, and shorter workouts, now I am ready!! 

Insanity Max: 30, Insanity, Shaun T, Beachbody,

This new program is meant to give you Insane results without working out for 5 hours a day! You go as hard as you can for 30 minutes until you can not go anymore....until you max out! If you are ready to really push yourself to the next level of your fitness, this is the program for you. I am ready to PUSH! 

60 day workout
30 minutes 
150 new moves
No equipment needed
low impact modifier 

This will be the HARDEST 30 minutes of your day, but so worth it because you will see the most INSANE results of your life. 

For December ONLY the Insanity MAX:30 Challenge pack will be on sale saving you $95! When you buy the challenge pack you are provided with everything you need to have a successful 60 days!

  • 60 Days of Workouts
  • months supply of Shakeology 
  • free month of the Beachbody Club Membership
  • nutrition plan
  • a coach that will work with you one on one

Set yourself up for success by purchasing a challenge pack, and joining my Insanity MAX:30 test group by clicking here! 

Insanity Max: 30, Insanity, Shaun T, Beachbody,

I am a HUGE Shaun T fan, and really can't wait to start this!!! Want to start with me and join my Insanity Max: 30 Challenge? Fill out the application below! 

Fill out my online form.


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