Insanity MAX:30 Week 1 Review
I just completed the first week of Insanity: MAX 30 , and all I can say is I can not wait until day 60. That's not because I want it to be over, it's because I can't wait for the results. 4 Days into the first week I could already feel and see changes in my body. I absolutely LOVE the way this program is laid out. For someone who is competitive, it is perfect. Each day I find myself pushing harder to beat my time from the day before. I love the whole max out concept because it keeps me pushing toward something daily. Planning my meals for the program has been pretty easy. The meal plan is very similar to the 21 Day fix that I had been following, and the recipes that came in the nutrition guide were great additions to my usual recipes, plus I love all the food options. I plan on following this program exactly how it is laid out for me so that I can get sick results. As for the workouts, they weren't easy, but I found myself looking forward