Detox phase is OVA Over!
Sorry I have been MIA with keeping up, but I have not had a lot of energy. I really have not enjoyed the last few meals, so I am pretty much running on empty. So I will quickly just update you on the last two days. The first breakfast we had was mashed chickpeas, spinach and avocado....I can't wait for a chocolate peanut butter shakeology! The lunch was a salad.... and the dinner was the kicker. It was squash with kale...BUT....I have never cut a squash before and damn was that a hard task. I was so hungry and the knife was just stuck in the squash and got so frustrated that I just started crylaughing. Ever done that??? when you are laughing and crying at the same time because a situation is so frustrating. Luckily I took a deep breath and got through it. My friend who was making hers at her own house sadly did not make it through the squash cutting unscathed as I did. She sliced her finger open and had to go to the hospital so please be careful cutting squash...oh and I r