Real Talk: The Ultimate Reset Cleanse Results
I just finished up 21 days of the Ultimate Reset Cleanse and wanted to share with you all my real experience, and some tips that I learned. I will start out by saying that I never recommend doing the Ultimate Reset Cleanse during the holiday season. If looking into doing this cleanse you should choose a time where you don't have any major events such as a wedding or a vacation. You want to choose a time where you can focus on the cleanse and give it everything you have. That being said, I decided to do it during December for a couple reasons. I had traveled for most of the month of November and was not feeling myself. Aside from that I had a challenger who was motivated and ready to do this cleanse during the month of December. Since I had done this cleanse many times before and knew what to expect, I decided that I didn't want to her to go at it alone and decided to join! Finding a friend to do the cleanse with so that you can keep each other on track and focused is somet