End of Phase 1

So it's the last day of Phase 1 and I have to say I am pretty sad about it. I am going to miss my egg breakfasts with toast and spinach....now on to bigger and better I guess with basically fruit every morning. In phase 2 we continue to refine our diet eliminating animal proteins and dairy from our diet. This is also called the "release" phase for the fact that we will be "releasing" things from our body. We add another supplement called detox that helps restore optimum health to your entire gastrointestinal tract, while detoxifying your body....aka you poop a lot. Aside from releasing poop, you also release stored emotions...this is the part I am looking forward to. That was just a little background on what is to come, now back onto day 7. 

For breakfast I  had 1/2 of a small apple chopped up, 1 cup of oatmeal with cinnamon, and 1/2 cup of plain yogurt sweetened with honey. Lunch was 1 serving of Zucchini-Cashew Soup, a Microgreen Salad, and 1/4 sliced avocado. 

Dinner once again was nasty Baked Tempeh, although this time I let it marinate a little longer and I did not find it as bad this time. So wasn't my favorite but was better. With the tempeh we got steamed veggies and brown rice. 

Over all I feel good about the first phase. I have been feeling really good health wise, I am hoping that the next phase will continue to make me feel good and not just poop things out. We will see!


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