Welcome to the Release phase....and oh boy are we releasing!

So it is day 8 and you know what that means??? RELEASE PHASE!!! We get to add another supplement to the mix...detox....and I hate to say it, but I find it way worse than the green shit...I call this shit the brown shit. It doesn't taste as bad, but the texture of it makes me gag every time! Not to mention it looks like um....well I'll let you be the judge

So I am emotional again....but that is likely to happen during the release phase. Two of my friends that are doing this cleanse are also in the release phase and are also emotional. We were laughing this morning because my one friend who is a high school field hockey coach cried after their game yesterday in front of the kids, parents, teachers, principal...all over a bad call made by the ref. 

Now also in this phase we eliminate dairy and animal protein so the meals today were interesting and not my typical choices. For breakfast we made a huge fruit plate...two cups of fruit! Lunch was just a microgreen salad, and for dinner we had green beans, steamed zucchini and beans and rice. I wasn't feeling hungry which is good, but did miss meat! 

Overall it is only the first day of the release phase and it has not dissapointed. On a positive note, my butt injury has been making some serious improvements. I am not sure if this is because I have been taking a break from the gym, the cleanse, or the muscular therapy I have been getting but I'd like to think it is a mixture of all three seeing that I have been doing the muscular therapy for 2 months now and this is the first time I have seen real progress. Yay Reset! 


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