How to stick with clean eating on Vacation!

I use to HATE the winters here in Boston. The reasons being I absolutely hate being pale, I am short so the salt always ruins the bottoms of my pants, AND my heating bill is outrageous! But the real reason I hated Boston winters was because I really can't stand being cold! Since moving to Aruba and working as a water sports instructor wasn't an option for me, I had to find something else to make my winters bearable. That is when I found the love of my life....skiing! Best thing to hit my winter since the snow day! 

This winter I have been going to the mountain almost every weekend and have noticed a few things....
1. the continental breakfast provided by the hotels are great.....if you want to go right back upstairs and get back into bed and not out on the mountain for the day....
2. mountain food is great if you want to spend $10 on gross fried food that everyone has coughed all over while going through the line (yes I am a germ freak)....
and C I had to find a way to adapt!

So I wanted to share with you how I have been dealing with my mountain dilemmas so that I don't eat junk and overspend! First off, I bring my own food and blender to the hotel. If they don't have a fridge in my room, I bring foods that won't go bad. This past weekend my room hardly had any outlets, so I was forced to make my shakeology in the bathroom ( I know...germ freak)...but I adapted and it worked out! The bullet or Ninja are awesome blenders, and they make mini versions perfect for traveling! I got some coffee from the free breakfast in the lobby and used that in my shake!
After breakfast I was excited for the mountain and ready to was in the negatives so legit put on 8 layers....which was a workout in itself and headed to the mountain....lunch packed and ready to go. They had a free bag check at Mt. Snow so I checked my lunch bag and got it easily when I came in hours later for lunch! If I hadn't packed my own lunch my options were: the salad bar....which would be great, but not for a germ freak during flu season, or an assortment of processed and fried foods. No offense to you fried food lovers, but I like to save my cheat meals for a night of binge drinking rather than greasy food! For lunch I had a baked sweet potato, quinoa, veggies and hummus! It was perfect and did not make my stomach hurt which makes it a lot easier to go back out on the mountain for hours before a night of drinking :) 

Overall, bringing my own food to the mountain helped me save some $$, gave me more energy so I could last longer on the mountain, and possibly saved me from getting the flu lol! Lift tickets are expensive enough, I don't need to spend a million more dollars to eat fried flu food no offense! 


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