What is a Beachbody Challenge?

Ever see people posting about joining their Beachbody challenge groups, but have no idea what that means? Welp, I am here to inform you! Although challenge groups differ from coach to coach, they all have the overall same goal and motive, which is to help you reach your health and fitness goals! I can only describe what happens in the groups I have been involved in, but I'm almost positive that any challenge group with any coach will be an amazing experience!

I am a product of the product! When I was first approached about joining a challenge group lets just say I was extremely intimidated! Just the word challenge alone scared me! I am one of those people that NEVER want to be the weakest link...I will die trying before giving up or coming in last. At the time, I was extremely out of shape, and went to the gym but really didn't do much when I was there. I had seen p90x infomercials and had heard people talk about how intense the program was and automatically thought it would be too hard for me! I ended up officially joining the challenge because I was sick of hearing myself SAY I wanted to change, but never doing anything about it. So, although intimidated by the fitness program itself, and nervous about being a weak link I joined anyway and I am SO glad I did!

This specific group was 90 days (some are 30 or 60), and each of us had to choose and commit to a 90 day Beachbody program (I chose Les Mills Pump), drink shakeology once a day, and try our best to "eat clean". Once in the group, I realized it wasn't scary at all! There were a handful of challengers, all who were just like me! Some were new moms trying to lose baby weight, some just hadn't worked out or ate right in a while...which was the category I fell into. Regardless, we were all there for the same reason, to get fit, and support each other through the process! My coach Melanie posted every day with motivation, tips, recipes and encouragement and I was expected to participate and check in with my workouts and eating for the day. I wasn't worried about what other people not in the group thought, because nobody saw what was posted except for the challengers and our coach (groups are held in private exclusive Facebook groups where only members can see what is posted).

After a couple weeks, it became a routine. Checking in and confirming that I did my workout and ate well was a part of my day! I found that not only did my coach help me with any issues I was having, but the group itself held me accountable for what I said I was going to do (workout and eat well). If I missed a day, I felt like I wasn't just letting myself down, but the entire group. I had made promises to myself in the past to get in shape, but somehow letting myself down was a lot easier than letting down others! (this totally shouldn't be the case, but somehow was...although NOT anymore!)

I know I like to ramble, so here are the basic points of a Beachbody challenge group:

-It is a small group of people in an exclusive and private Facebook group.
-You get daily coaching, motivation and support from your coach as well as other challengers.
-You get to workout from the comfort of your own home and on your own schedule !
-You are surrounded by others who have the same goals as you.
-It's a fun way to get the constant inspiration and encouragement needed to stay committed and achieve fast results.

I truly believe that if I hadn't joined the challenge group, I would have given up and never been able to reach and surpass my health and fitness goals! If you are interested in joining one of my challenge groups fill out the form below! 

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