Baked Sweet Potato Tater Tots

Sweet Potato Tater Tots

clean eating tater tots

Tater tots are one of my favorite things to eat ever. If a restaurant has them, I will choose that place over another any day of the week. Now that I practice clean eating, tater tots are usually a cheat for me...until now. I found this recipe on Pinterest and couldn't wait to try it out. They were so good! The prep/cook time was a little longer than I would like, but was worth it for tater tots. Perfect appetizers to serve when you want to trick people into clean eating. 


- 3 1/2 cups of shredded sweet potato. (about 1 large sweet potato)
3 green onions
- 1/2- 1 cup of grated Parmesan cheese. (amount will depend on how cheesy you want them)
- 1 tsp. sea salt
- 1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper
- 2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil. (will need a little extra to grease the pan)

1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.

2. Coat your muffin tin with olive oil or cooking spray and set aside. 

3. In a large bowl combine shredded sweet potato, onions, cheese, salt and pepper. Gently mix with a fork.

Drizzle olive oil over the mixture and toss until the mixture is combined.

5. Spoon the mixture evenly into the muffin tin. Gently press and pack down the mixture into each cup.

6. Bake for 50-60 minutes (mini tater tots bake for 30-40 minutes)

7. Let the tots rest for 5 minutes, remove tots and serve!


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