5 Reasons to Buy the T25 Challenge pack in January!

 t25, challenge pack, beachbody workout, shaun T

January is a pretty exciting month at Beachbody if you ask me. Not because it is new years resolution time and everyone is wanting to get in shape...don't get me wrong that is great, but I am excited because of the crazy deals they have going on this month. I can honestly say that my two favorite products, not just from beachbody, but out of EVERYTHING I use are T25 and shakeology. This month both of these things are on sale together in a challenge pack and that saves $90. Who doesn't want to save money while getting healthy? It is a no brainer if you ask me, but for all you people out there who need more convincing I have decided to give you some reasons why you should buy the T25 challenge pack this month. 

#1- It saves you $$$

Whenever you buy a challenge pack you will always save money, but for this month only you save even more money. For those of you who do not know a challenge pack comes with both the workout and shakeology. Buying these two products individually would cost you $250 dollars. This month the T25 challenge pack is $180, it is normally $205, so jump on that!

#2 -T25 is 25 minutes long! 

For all you people that say they don't have time to workout, that excuse won't work with T25. 25 minutes a day, 5 days a week. I find myself searching for excuses not to do it and I never can....its 25 minutes!

#3- Shakeology is the healthiest meal of the day!
shakeology, chocolate

Do you ever wonder why you are always tired and run down? Are you one of those people that crash at 3pm every day? Well in this day and age with all the boxed and processed food our diets consist of, we just are not getting the proper vitamins and nutrients that our bodies need to work properly. Lets be serious, food prep and cooking can be a job of its own and most of us really don't have time for that. Shakeology is loaded with all the things are bodies need that we just aren't getting. (see the video below) It also promotes weight loss, increases energy, improves digestion, and reduces junk food cravings. I have been drinking it for 2 years now and absolutely love it. 

#4- You don't have to be in shape to do T25  
The good thing about T25 is that there is a modifier for all the moves. If you aren't able to do one of the moves, you just follow the modifier so anyone can do the program. Eventually you become strong enough that you won't even need to modify anymore!

#5 -You can have me as your coach and join my next challenge!

 make me your coach, beachbody coaching

I would love to be your coach and help you reach your fitness goals. I love what I do. Helping others change their lives the way my coach helped me is my goal. I provide support, accountability, motivation, nutrition tips, recipes, and meal planning. As your coach I will make it my mission to help you succeed the best I can. 

If you are interested in buying the T25 challenge pack, having me as your coach, want more information on any and all beachbody products, or just need a little more convincing message me! 

  Click Here to get your T25 Challenge Pack!



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