Jo Dee Messina: Day 3 and 4 on the Fix

Yesterday I spent the entire day traveling.  Living on 8 hours of sleep in a 48 hour period by the time we got home Yesterday afternoon / evening  I was useless.  Thank God I packed food for the 2 days of my trip.  My diet was on plan, but, I didn’t get to workout.     The other band and crew members got to nap when they got home.  I had 2 rambunctious little boys who were well rested that I needed to keep up with.   

Today was “MAKE UP DAY”  Jaime and I started out at 8am with a 30 minute run
We came back home and had chocolate / banana shakeology.  I did a few phone interviews and then we did the “Lower Fix”…  which should have been yesterdays workout. OUCH !!!  When we were finishing up, my assistant showed up and joined us for todays scheduled workout “Pilates Fix”.  When we were done with that, I had some work stuff to go over with my assistant and things to take care of here at the house.  At 1:30 I took Jaime with me.  I had an apt so she took the car to whole foods to grab some stuff while I was busy.  We both took a snack with us so we wouldn’t be caught out and about hungry trying to find something to eat.  

When we got home I started making dinner for the boys and planning dinner for Jaime and I. 
While the kids sweet potato fries were cooking Jaime and I did the 10 Minute Ab Fix.    4 workouts in one day.   We are pretty beat up, but, it had be done.  Now I’m back on schedule.  

After dinner came “FOOD PREP”  We leave at 6am for a show in Alabama.  Both Jaime and I have to pack the days worth of food tonight so that we are ready to rock it tomorrow.   The kitchen looked like an explosion went off.  We had every frying pan, pot, cookie sheet, tupperware container, meal contents spread all over the kitchen.    I think we got it all covered.  Ready to grab food in the morning to stick in a  bag and take it on the bus. 

Needless to say, I’m going to bed.  I added extra stretches today for glutes, hamstrings and quads.  I’m starting to think Advil may become of my morning routine.  ha ha.  We’ll see how we feel tomorrow

Good luck to everyone on the team.  Please hang in there.  If I can do this, you can too.  We are Just Getting Started !!!

Jo Dee


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