Jo Dee Messina: Fix Update

Sorry, we've been traveling.  We were all so exhausted yesterday that we seemed to be walking around slap happy and delirious. ;-)

This week is hard for some. We are all in the midst of the program and wanting results. A lot of you reported GREAT results so far and that will continue to be the case if you stick to the plan. "Trust the process", they say. 

I won't lie, the container thing still confuses me.  The printable sheets are helpful in keeping up what you need to eat.  Jaime is available to any of you that have questions. So, if you have any, let her know. Also, as others are figuring it out, they may have some tips and advice on how they are grasping the program. If you see someone post with something you have a solution for, please, share it.  That's why we are doing this as a group.  During todays workout, Autumn said, quitting lasts forever, the pain and focus is temporary. Believe it or not, after the 21 days, this will be more of a habit than a focused effort. We are learning a new system.  Ask questions.....   We are in this together. 

Tomorrow I have to take an unexpected trip to Boston for funeral. We spent today prepping food for travel and being sure we have everything we need - all of our containers worth of food. Plan the work, work the plan.  

I will keep you posted on how things are going.  We may double up tomorrow doing cardio fix and upper body fix.  I'm not sure if that's cheating, but, as promised I am telling you what I am doing with the program.   

Keep focused.  Ask questions and do this for YOU !  You deserve the best and deserve to be your very best. 


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