3 Tips to Combat Seasonal Depression

Lets face it, seasonal depression is legit. I don't care who you are, after the winter that we've been having, I know you are feeling the affects. I have always hated winter, but dealt with it by going skiing every weekend. This year I wasn't able to do that. The fact that I wasn't skiing paired with the worst Boston winter in a really really long time (might set the record this week), I was feeling the depression. Although I was feeling it, I realize that it could have been SO much worse for me had I not been working out and eating right. Today I want to share with you 3 things that you can do to help cope with seasonal depression, and also remind you that SPRING is almost here! 

Tip #1 Maximize exposure to daylight! 

sunlight, blinds

If it's daytime every single blind and shade is WIDE open in my house. As long as the sun is shining, it will be shining through my windows. It is important to get exposure to the sun light while it is out. If it's not too cold you can even bundle up and take a 10 minute walk outside. The fresh air and sun will help lift your mood! 

Tip #2 Practice Healthy Habits

exercise, running, winter

Exercise is my go to when it comes to feeling better mentally regardless of the time of year. It is no secret that exercising stimulates your brain, and releases endorphins which result in feeling better! Go for a jog outside, do an at home workout, or take a class with a friend! Getting out and exercising will help! Also, practice good eating habits! Winter for so many is an excuse for eating whatever you want and then hiding behind a sweater, but how is that food effecting your mentally? Is it making your feel better about yourself, or worse? 

Tip #3 Consider Light Therapy

light box

Many people have found that increasing the amount of light in their home during the winter has helped with the effects of seasonal depression. There are also lights that you can get that are specific to simulating sunlight! I have not tried this yet, but want to purchase a dawn simulator. It is an alarm clock that uses light and simulates the sun rising. They also have light boxes that you can use, but I would ask your doctor first about these things. 

At this point the worst of the winter is over, so keep reminding yourself of that! Spring will be here soon, and then Summer...remember that! 

If you need a little more than these 3 tips have to offer, I am holding a 30 Day Farewell to Winter Challenge group where we will implement clean eating, workouts, and motivation around the thought of warmer days to come! If you would like to join, fill out the application below!

Fill out my online form.


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