Change Your Life: How I Went From Having Social Anxiety to Rapping in Front of 25K

I am coming off of the biggest, most exciting, nerve wracking, amazing, stressful weekend of my entire life...

Jaime Messina, Coach summit 2015

This past week 25,000 coaches from all over the U.S. and Canada headed to Nashville Tennessee for the Team Beachbody Coach Summit! This is a 4 day event meant to educate coaches on ways to improve, inform them about new product launches, and also just give them a chance to not only network with each other but also to work out with those very trainers we see on our televisions every day! This alone is an amazing event, but this year for me was VERY different....

Jaime Messina, Coach summit 2015, Super workout

Let me first give you a little back story. 5 years ago I was overcome by social anxiety. I took F's in college courses because I wouldn't present in front of people, and I NEVER spoke to people I didn't know. I always kept my head down and assumed no one wanted to talk to me. I had zero self-confidence and MAJOR social anxiety. This past weekend was a true testament of how much Beachbody can change your life not only physically, but mentally, financially, and in any way imaginable! 

Jaime Messina, Coach summit 2015, The Dream Team

Remember that anxiety ridden girl with zero self-confidence I just told you about? Well she was asked to present to a room of 1300 coaches on the subject of confidence....YUP you heard me right...CONFIDENCE! And guess what....I did it...and I did it well! Myself and other members of The Dream Team totally rocked our presentations and provided some serious training for our coaches to take and run with to move their businesses forward! 

Jaime Messina, Coach summit 2015, The Dream Team

That presentation was just the start of a weekend FULL of training, workshops, workouts, events, and one very special surprise! Throughout the weekend we got to choose which workouts we wanted to do with celebrity trainers like Shaun T, Tony Horton, Chalene Johnson, and Autumn Calabrese! I chose to workout with my mentor Chalene Johnson which was VERY exciting. On Saturday they actually shut down Broadway in Nashville and 25,000 coaches took to the street to workout together and with ALL of the celebrity trainers from Beachbody! 

Jaime Messina, Coach summit 2015, Super workout, TeamBstrong

Jaime Messina, Coach summit 2015, Super workout, TeamBstrong

We also had special events a night time with live music, entertainment, and themed parties! 

Jaime Messina, Coach summit 2015, Super workout, Success Club Party

But the last night of summit was the icing on the cake!! This was that special surprise that I mentioned earlier...

Jaime Messina, Coach summit 2015,Top Coach, Melanie Mitro

Coaches filled LP Stadium on Saturday night for the closing ceremony. This included the presentation of the $100,000 winners of the Beachbody challenge, dance numbers, fire works, and the top coach performance. coach happens to be the top coach and I hadn't let anyone know but I was asked to be a BIG part of her celebration. If you don't know this about me, I LOVE to rap! Not sure why but I find it easier to rap than to speak normally lol. The people at Beachbody had caught wind of this and asked me if I would be willing to make up and perform a rap at the Saturday night ceremony. When I was initially asked I said yes BUT my social anxiety from the past was totally sneaking up! I mean how could I say no to that right? but then again HOW was I going to pull this off? I had never rapped in front of anything even remotely close to that amount of people and on stage with a huge audience?? Not only that but what if I messed up the top coach performance...I didn't want to ruin the show! I really didn't know HOW I was going to pull it off, but I knew that I couldn't turn it down. I needed to push my fears aside, step outside my comfort zone and just go for it! Worst case scenario I mess up on stage and people move case scenario I kill it and realize that I CAN do this! 

Well here is how it went down....I was nervous as hell before I went on, and I am pretty sure that I blanked out throughout my entire performance, but I got ALL the words out! I did it...that girl from 5 years ago who had no self confidence, the one with the major anxiety who would have NEVER done something like this was gone....she is no more...she's a woman of the past! 

Jaime Messina, Coach summit 2015, Top COach, Melanie Mitro

When I joined Beachbody I thought I would get the body I wanted....I did. When I became a coach I thought I would get a discount...I did. What I didn't expect was to become a whole new that I couldn't even have dreamed up! I didn't expect to push myself to a whole new level and do things like rap in front of 25,000 people. I never expected to inspire so many other people, to make such amazing friends, and to be able to make a living by helping people to actually like their lives! 

There were times in the past that I didn't even want to live another day. I couldn't imagine having to go through my whole life depressed, anxiety ridden, no self confidence, constant negative self talk (the list could go on and on). Had I never taken the chance on Beachbody I would still be there...THAT is scary to me! 

Jaime Messina, Coach summit 2015,

I now have a brilliant, gorgeous girlfriend that I love, amazing friends and teammates, I make my family proud on a daily basis, and I help people to fall back in love with their lives! 

Today I want to invite you all to join me on this amazing journey! I want you to join my team as a coach! Take a chance...the other alternative is to stay where you never know what one small step in the right direction and lead you to! 

Want a peek into what this coaching thing is all about? I am having a 5 Day Sneak Peek into beachbody coaching! To join all you do is click this link and request to join! 

Already know this is for you and want to join my team? I am currently accepting 10 people onto TeamBstrong

By joining us you will get: 

Personal Mentorship from me 
A team of coaches who have your back
Weekly 1:1 calls
Weekly team calls
Coach Training Groups
Private Coach Group

I am looking for people who want to make a difference not only in themselves but everyone that they come in contact with! To reserve your spot please fill out the application below! NOW is the time to make a change. 

Fill out my online form.


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