Should We Trust the Universe?

I am one of those dreamers who believe that our lives are ultimately in the hands on the universe...but is this really something we should believe in??

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Lets take a good look at what it actually means to 'Trust the Universe'. Part of trusting is 'letting go'. Letting go of limiting beliefs, letting go of trying to control things, and letting go of our fears. This whole 'letting go' thing is actually pretty hard to do. It's not just about SAYING that you have trust in the universe, it's about digging deep, taking a good look at yourself, and actually letting go of what limits you. In order to let go of those things you have to do some have to get to the bottom of your fears. These are things you may not even know are there until you do some serious soul searching. 

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Something that comes to mind here is the person who wants the universe to bring them money. The way this universe thing works is the universe will only bring you money, if you truly believe it. Talking about it is only half the battle. Many of us grow up with these limiting beliefs about earning money. We have excuses, reasons, explanations as to why we will never be financially free...the universe hears those. So lets take a look at why we might be saying those things to ourselves....I believe that it is fear. Fear of the responsibility that comes with that money, fear of change, fear of everything...because ultimately we are deeply afraid. We hold ourselves back because it's easier to say 'we can't'. 

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Another thing that comes to mind is love...people say over and over that they want to find love. They trust that the universe will bring it to them, and when it fails they trust that the universe will lead them to the right one again. The thing is, the universe cannot lead you to your love until you are deeply ready for that love. That means taking a deep look into yourself. Are you really ready for love? If so, that means doing some work...pinpointing your fears about love, and working them out. The universe can't do it's job, unless you do. 

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Some Things To Take Into Consideration...

 The Universe will do it's job, and it's not always in the way you want it to.

Having faith and trust in the universe means that things aren't always going to work out the way that you want them to. The way the universe works is to lead you...serve you...not just fulfill wishes like a genie in a bottle. This means that just being ready to receive money and asking the universe for a million bucks does not mean that the next day a check will show up in your mailbox. What lesson would you learn, or what purpose would it serve for a million dollars to just show up? Yes it might pay some bills, buy a boat, or whatever it may be...but the universe has a bigger plan...a bigger purpose. Trust that things will happen exactly how they should, exactly when they should. 

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Sometimes things happen in ways that we aren't wanting...that is also something we have to trust in. Have you ever been asking the universe for something so specific just for it to knock you on your ass and not give it to you? Have you ever considered that maybe you didn't get what you wanted for a very specific purpose? To bring you to exactly where you are suppose to be?

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You will actually receive what you have been asking for when you are actually ready to receive it!

Learn to trust in yourself because YOU are the universe. 

Trust in the universe, love, life, self help, health, fitness, personal development, universe quotes

Learn to love and trust yourself. Love yourself enough to do some soul searching, to figure out what it really is that is holding you back from receiving everything that you want in this life. If you want love, look deep...what is holding you back? If you want money, look deep...what is holding you back? Trust yourself enough to be honest, to face your fears, to accept that you are not perfect and take the steps to work it out. It will be isn't fun to take a good look at yourself and realize you could make some changes, but it will be so worth it! What is stopping you? 

Trust in the universe, love, life, self help, health, fitness, personal development, universe quotes


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