Still lost? Aren't We All?

A few weeks ago I wrote about how I was coming off of one of the best years of my life, but for some reason still felt lost. I decided that taking a little trip across the country for a few weeks would help me gain some mental clarity and sort a few things out. Well...I am back...and it did! 

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My trip was filled with a beautiful of sunsets,

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nature I am not use to

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sunny beaches,

personal growth, personal development, Boston Beachbody Coach, Northeast Beachbody Coach, work and travel,

cool sites to see,

personal growth, personal development, Boston Beachbody Coach, Northeast Beachbody Coach, work and travel,

old friends to catch up with,

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personal growth, personal development, Boston Beachbody Coach, Northeast Beachbody Coach, work and travel,

and time alone to think...

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I thought I would come back with some magical answer as to why I had been feeling lost...but I didn't. 

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What I did come back with is a feeling that it is o.k. not to be sure all the time. It is o.k. to not always feel 100%. What is not o.k. is ignoring it. We must work through our struggles, face whatever it is that is making us feel off, and own it. Once you accept whatever it is, you can move forward. 

Just like there is no magic pill for your health and fitness, there is no magic pill to get you through a personal struggle. It takes going through pain, doing things you would rather not do, and making yourself uncomfortable. The only way to overcome is to work on yourself, not ignore. 

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Be honest and real about what is going on within you. Once you accept that it is actually there, you can do something about it. 
There will always be something going is just part of being human. Embrace your struggles and use them for growth, it will make you a stronger person in the end. 


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