Are You Fit To Be a Bad Ass?
As I sit here trying to visualize the type of people I would like to attract to my coaching team I've come to realize that the language used in short posts and videos might not truly show the entirety of what it means to be a TeamBstrong member and part of Team Beachbody.
I feel like it's actually really hard to define because it means different things to different people. It means different things for me personally depending on the day. Sometimes it means a paycheck, sometimes it means accountability to my fitness, motivating events, and friendship. Sometimes it means hope, sparks of inspiration that had gone dormant, and true feelings of happiness that have been hiding. Sometimes it means belief...belief in oneself, belief in society, belief that I am capable of obtaining my goals, of living life fully. Sometimes it means pride. It means, "hell yeah I put in the work to change my body physically, my brain mentally, my soul spiritually".
All the time though, it means family. It means I call you and I know you'll pick up. It means we have a mutual understanding of personal growth and integrity. It means good people, genuine interest, constant support, and unconditional love. These were all things that I was searching for in my life. Areas where I felt some kind of void. Some people spend their entire lives searching to heal just one of those areas. I basically have a road map to a destination that gives ALL of these things to you in one trip.
Let's not be naive though. Just getting there won't give you everything that you are searching for, but it will give you the key. It is then up to YOU to unlock the doors.
The point of this post started with me writing about an upcoming "sneak peek" into coaching, about how we were going to show you the ins and outs of coaching on TeamBstrong and what it's all about. It still is an invite to that, but that language used in these type of invites doesn't even remotely scratch the surface of what this opportunity is all about. The depth of what you have right at your fingertips is mind blowing! This is all about what YOU make it.
So if you want to learn about what it means to be a Beachbody coach, how you earn an income, the ins, and outs, the programs etc. then I would like you to apply by filling out the application below.
If you are interested in learning more about our family, our mission, our passions, and purpose as a team. What this opportunity could mean for you, how you can change the entire course of your life and everyone that you come in contact with for the better then I highly recommend that you fill out the application below! We have what you are looking for.
Fill out my online form.
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