Gay Pride Month: Proud of Who I Am.

gay pride month, lgbt, lgbtq, lesbian, gay, pride, lesbian pride, gay pride march, trans rights, Gay flag, Beachbody, Beachbody Coach

For a really long time, I hid who I really was and altered my behavior because I felt as if it was my responsibility to bridge the gap between people who didn't understand the LGBT community and "us". I thought that if I could get them to see me as a person before a lesbian that it would help them to open their minds more to our community. Although I had good intentions, I was going about it all wrong, and it is something that is hard to admit.

When I would go out with the "straight" crowd I would dress differently...I found my "girliest" outfits even if they weren't my favorite just so I could show them that not all lesbians were what their stereotypical view was. Truth be told, this was an incredible burden for me to carry. It actually did me and my community a disservice. I needed to be who I was and not alter certain parts to make other people feel more comfortable...over time I learned this...

When I first joined Beachbody I never spoke publicly about being a lesbian. I believed that it would hurt my business. It's sad but true. All the coaches I saw that were successful seemed to be straight, white, and Christian with a white picket fence, 2.5 kids, and a really cute dog. I am so thankful that the people I met in the business helped me to see that if people are turned away because of who I am, then they aren't the people I was meant to help anyway. They helped me to be confident in who I am, and share that with the world. It's because of all of YOU, that truth was consistently reinforced. The more open I was about who I am, the more love you all showed me. I am grateful for every single one of you. I am no longer fearful of being open about who I am.

gay pride month, lgbt, lgbtq, lesbian, gay, pride, lesbian pride, gay pride march, trans rights, Gay flag, Beachbody, Beachbody Coach

Today for the first time ever in my 17 years of being out I hung the Gay Flag outside of my home for Gay Pride. It may seem like nothing to you all, but it was a big step for me. It took time to reverse what was brainwashed into my head.

Today I want to thank you all for your support, and also want to remind you that there are lots of people out there who still don't feel comfortable being open. They may not have the amazing support that I have got from all of you and from my family. Be kind and open, stand up to the hate and bigotry and stand proud of who you are.


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