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Bridge the gap...
This past week in England I was in the company of some amazing thought leaders. I had the chance to have some pretty deep and amazing conversations. I started to contemplate what it is that I truly want to accomplish as a coach and with my overall life. I have gone back and forth between focusing on LGBT or keeping it broad.
I was talking to my friend Katy about how the only thing I knew for sure was that I am here on this earth to serve others. I thought back to who I was before finding Beachbody and how I never felt included or worthy. I felt like I didn't matter, my story didn't matter, my needs didn't matter, nothing about me mattered...but the fact of the "matter" is that I DO matter. WE ALL MATTER. Each and every one of us is connected whether we are aware or not. Our own stories have the ability to affect someone else's life in a positive way, no matter how big or small. Through Katy and my conversation, I have realized that my job here on earth is to bridge the gap.
I want to help everyone realize that they are important, that they matter, that they can take whatever has happened to them and use it to empower others to live their best life. Being here is a gift, our struggles, what has happened to us, what HAPPENS to us is a gift and we are all connected
So that's why I am here, that is why I post, that is why I coach, and that is how I will serve...I will help others realize that they matter, that their story is important, their life experience is important and there is someone out there that needs to know them and hear what they have been through. I will help them build their confidence so that they can share to inspire others.
I am here to BRIDGE THE GAP between the way I use to feel and how I feel now. I am here to help others do the same. I am here to help you realize HOW MUCH YOU MATTER! and I am looking for others to join me. The more of us there are, the more people we will reach, serve, and change into confident, proud humans who also want to serve.
Want to be a part of this movement? Want to share your story to inspire others? Want to serve others while serving yourself? I want to hear from you, Fill out the application below!
I want you to help me BRIDGE THE GAP. There are no coincidences in this world, only one master plan and if you have read this to the end I believe it is for a reason. I look forward to hearing from you.
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