80 Day Obsession: Week 1 Progress

80 day obsession, workout, timed nutrition, meal plan, results, transformation, jaime messina, lgbt beachbody, lesbian beachbody, vegan meal plan, plan A

This past week I started a brand new fitness program called 80 Day Obsession. I was more pumped than normal for this program for several reasons. First, I loved that it was a longer program being 80 days, and also had longer workouts averaging at an hour long. Over the past few years, I found myself doing shorter programs that still worked, but I felt had affected my mindset and discipline. 80 Day Obsession felt like it was bringing me back to when I first started my fitness journey 6 years ago with programs like P90X that were 90 days long and had workouts that were over an hour. 

I was also at a point in my health and fitness journey where I was ready for something new. The 80 Day Obsession nutrition plan provided that for me by using what creator Autumn Calabrese calls timed nutrition. I have to eat specific things at specific times and since I was wanting to get back into the discipline I had a few years ago, this was perfect. 

80 day obsession, workout, timed nutrition, meal plan, results, transformation, jaime messina, lgbt beachbody, lesbian beachbody,

Week one went down this past week and I must say that I am SO excited to see my results after 80 days of this! I thought that the timed nutrition was going to be difficult for me to figure out, but after the first day I had it down. I even stuck to the plan while flying one day which I was very proud of. If you are doing this program one suggestion I had for you is to always bring a cooler packed with your next meal. You never know when you will be stuck longer than expected and don't want to get stuck having to make a bad choice. I packed my meals for the plane and had a ride set up when I landed to bring me to the grocery store so that I would have everything I needed for the week. I didn't miss a beat! 

80 day obsession, workout, timed nutrition, meal plan, results, transformation, jaime messina, lgbt beachbody, lesbian beachbody,

I even got my roommate Casey to join me for the 80 days and I am pumped to share that she is down 6 pounds in her first week! The cool part about this program is that Autumn and the cast are doing each day right along with us. Instead of taping 7 workouts and repeating them over the 80 Days, Autumn and her cast did them live every single day so we are always getting something new and new dialog which keeps it interesting and fun. In addition to that, all of the coaches started the program together on the same day and get to experience the program together as well. That is one thing that I love about this company, the community we have is something that is rare and hard to find. To be supported by hundreds of strangers who have positive attitudes and are rooting you on the entire time is absolutely amazing and can make all the difference in your success.

80 day obsession, workout, timed nutrition, meal plan, results, transformation, jaime messina, lgbt beachbody, lesbian beachbody,

So week one is in the bag, I said goodbye to that before photo and I'm ready for the rest of the program! Want to join me on my 80 Day Obsession journey? Fill out the application below! 

Fill out my online form.


  1. I would love to be able to do this! It is great but for me to get organized to this, would be overwhelming. Thanks for the great tips!

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