When You Have No Control, Trust! The Universe Has A Plan!

universe, trust the universe, surrender, let go, higher purpose, jaime messina, dollhouse,

Did you play with a dollhouse as a kid? The way I like to describe it is like this...
universe, trust the universe, surrender, let go, higher purpose, jaime messina, dollhouse,

Picture a dollhouse always picture this little wooden dollhouse with gray paint like the one my dad built at the firehouse during his time with the department. I loved the way it actually resembled our house and had working electricity. There was this hanging light over the kitchen table I could turn on and off.
universe, trust the universe, surrender, let go, higher purpose, jaime messina, dollhouse,

I gave those tiny little dollhouse people run for their money.
Anyway, those little people, are you and me. The little kid playing with the dollhouse, that’s the universe.

You see, it doesn’t matter how bad that little doll wants to move into the living room to watch tv because it will only happen when the master is ready for it to happen. Let’s just say the doll miraculously somehow moves into the other room, as soon as little Jimmy or Jane come back to the house, all shits going to break loose.
universe, trust the universe, surrender, let go, higher purpose, jaime messina, dollhouse,

My point is this, when you surrender to the universe, relinquish control, and accept that you are EXACTLY where you are supposed to be, the most incredibly freeing feeling comes over you.

It feels like home.

You are enough just as you are and you’re here for a very special purpose that only YOU can fulfill. Let it flow! 


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