Week Review of the 21 Day fix

I am going on week two of using the 21 day fix containers for my meal plan, and I couldn't be happier. I have found that not only is it keeping me on point with my eating, but it is also saving me money. I have also been finding that sometimes it is just too much food for me! Great problem to have! Here is the meal plan I have been following this week.

21 day fix meal plan, meal plan, 21 day fix

As usual I like to stick to the same thing every morning. Cooking an actual breakfast has never really been my thing, and I love that my Shakeology tastes like a coolata every morning and gives me a kick in the ass to wake me up. These are some of my favorite meals from my plan this week:
21 day fix meal plan, meal plan, 21 day fix, 21 day fix containers

The Chicken Fajita that I had for dinner on Monday definitely gets the award for the most food. That thing was HUGE! It was bigger than my head. All it took was 1 green container, 1 red, and 1 yellow. I like to call it my stop light dinner...well...because it reminded me of a stop light. Before the fix I was hardly eating any yellow container items at all such as tortillas because I love those things and find it hard to eat just one...oops. Now that I make a plan and know that I am sticking to it, I am not scared to eat them!

21 day fix meal plan, meal plan, 21 day fix, 21 day fix containers
21 day fix meal plan, meal plan, 21 day fix, 21 day fix containersAnother meal on my plan this week that I have liked is the snack of an egg white omelette, and baked sweet potatoes, or Japanese yams cut up into home fries (1 yellow, 1 red). I feel like I am at a diner. I add a little hot sauce and I am good to go. It is a pretty large meal for a snack so it has been keeping me full!

21 day fix meal plan, meal plan, 21 day fix, 21 day fix containers

My Kale salad with chicken is my go to lunch. I use 2 green containers, 1 red, 1 orange, and a teaspoon for the olive oil. Once again...huge salad. I love it! For dinner this week I have been loving the burger wraps...especially the bison! If you have never tried bison I highly recommend it. It is leaner than beef and in my opinion it tastes much better! I also enjoyed the baked cod with sauteed kale and roasted veggies...yum! 

21 day fix meal plan, meal plan, 21 day fix, 21 day fix containers

All in all the meal plan has been going really well. I like taking time each week to think about what I am eating, putting it down on a schedule, and then shopping based on that. I individualize the portions, so that saves me money...and I am not buying too much at the store! Next week I am going to attempt to get a little more creative with my meals, but we will see how that works out! 

If you would like some help with your 21 day fix journey message me! 



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