10 Holiday Party Survival Tips

healthy holidays,

The holidays can be extremely overwhelming, especially if you are trying to stick to a healthy lifestyle. There are parties, drinks, and lots of shopping which means you will be stuck in the mall for long periods of time with limited healthy options. Don't worry my friends, you do not have to throw your entire plan out the window until New Years day...there are ways to adapt!

Step one, get a calendar and fill in all the parties you will be attending with times and places. It is important to visually see what you are dealing with, because planning ahead will be a huge part of the game. You can download and print out this one!

december 2014 calendar

Once you have your schedule semi laid out, fill in your workouts. Just because it is the holidays does NOT mean you should stop working out. If you have parties after work, schedule your workout for the morning. 

As for the parties you will be attending here are some tips on how to survive those without going overboard. 

1. Eat something before you go.
If you eat before you go, you won't be forced to choose unhealthy options. If you find yourself stuck eating the party food, go for the tiny little app plates instead of the big plates, this will help to keep your portion sizes down. I like to fill up on a shakeology

2. Stay away from the chips and dip.
Dips tend to be creamy and high in calories. Instead choose veggies and hummus, or a lean protein. 
veggies and hummus

3. Don't hover around the buffet table.
Use this time to enjoy fellow party goers and engage in conversation. Hovering around the buffet table will cause you to continue eating long after you are full. 

4. Drink water! 
Before you eat, drink at least 8 ounces of water. This will quench your thirst and stop you from eating with your eyes. Many times our body mistakes thirst for hunger, by drinking water first you can avoid this!

5. Be aware of drinking your calories! 
Egg Nog is a fun holiday drink FILLED with empty calories. 343 calories and 11 grams of saturated fat per cup to be exact. If you want a taste, drink it from a shot glass!

6. Bring your own food.
If you are going to a house party bring your own clean eating dish. This way you know that there will be at least one thing at the party that you want to eat!

7. Don't make room for dessert, Save room for dessert!
It is ok to eat dessert, but if you know that is the plan, don't force yourself to eat it. Make sure to leave some room for it and eat lightly in the other meals. 

8. Wear form fitting clothing. 
By wearing tighter clothing you will be more aware of when you are full, and ultimately stop eating. 

9. Get a workout in any way possible.
Can't get your typical workout in? How about getting a fit bit or another tracker, and monitoring your activity when walking around the mall. You could also choose to take the stairs, or park further away from doors. If you schedule your workouts in before hand, you hopefully will  not have this problem. 
healthy santa

10. Eat Slowly. 
Just because it is the holidays does not mean you need to scarf down your meal. Eat slowly, and enjoy each bite. Eating slowly helps the body to recognize when it is full, and allows you to actually enjoy whatever it is you are eating. 

The important part to remember throughout this holiday season is that one bad day, should not be an excuse to have a bad month! Get ahead of the game and stay on track now so you aren't scrambling to get back into it come January! I will be having holiday support groups to help get you through. If you would like to join one, fill out the form below! 

Fill out my online form.


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