Insanity MAX:30

The new Insanity MAX:30 program comes out on December 2nd, and I am psyching myself up. I am going to do this program start to finish, by the book! I have a trip to Cancun coming up in April and I want to be at the top of my game. I am one of those people who like to know what I am in for before starting a program, so I have been doing some research and wanted to share with you all! 

What is Insanity MAX:30?

This is a 60 day fitness program brought to us by one of my favorite trainers, Mr. Shaun T. The workouts are 5 days a week, 30 minutes a day, for 60 days. 

Insanity Max:30, Insanity, Shaun T, Max out, Test group, beachbody

Who is MAX:30 good for?

In my opinion this is not the program to start out with if you haven't worked out a day in your life. This program is for people who like to workout, like to challenge themselves, and want to see some serious results in 60 days. I would say anyone who is at an intermediate or advanced fitness level and wants to try something that is going to push you, but is doable. Some examples of people who would benefit from this workout are:

  • Runners
  • People training for events
  • Gym goers who are getting bored with traditional cardio
  • Athletes
  • Anyone wanting to step up their fitness game

This program DOES have a modifier and a low impact option for those people who might have certain injuries. 

Insanity Max:30, Insanity, Shaun T, Max out, Test group, beachbody , modifier

Why was MAX:30 created?

Shaun T may be a celebrity trainer that you see on television, but he really cares about each and every person that does his workout. He listened to what people were saying after Insanity, and wanted to make it even better. So he took the moves that everyone loved , made them better, added 150 new moves, shortened the workout and came up with MAX:30. Shaun wanted to provide us with a program that was tough, but doable, and give us enough time to do it. 

Insanity Max:30, Insanity, Shaun T, Max out, Test group, beachbody, modifier

Why does MAX:30 work?

I have done a LOT of at home fitness programs over the past 3 years and the bottom line is, the program works if you work. No matter what you do if you are pushing yourself out of that comfort zone and focusing on eating right, you will see progress. On top of YOU working, the reason that this specific program will work is because of how it is laid out. I tried for many years to get in shape at a gym, and that works fine for a lot of people, but I just had no idea what to do or where to keep my intensity level at. This why the program will work for me:
  • It's 30 minutes, so it can fits into your schedule, is doable, and I can bust my butt for 30 minutes.
  • The schedule is laid out for me, and tells me exactly what to do.
  • There is no equipment needed so I can basically bring it anywhere that has a dvd player.
  • Insanity worked and now this is an improved version.
  • It's 5 days a week, so I can have days off.
  • It is OK to max out! Every day you push yourself a little bit more.
I have no doubt in my mind that if I do this program the way it is suppose to be done, I will have results. 

Insanity Max:30, Insanity, Shaun T, Max out, Test group, beachbody , tabata

How is MAX:30 different from T25 and Insanity?

As for Insanity, that program never had a modifier, and some of the workouts were up to an hour long. With MAX:30 there is a modifier and low impact option for every more, and the workouts are only 30 minutes. Also, there are 150 new moves added that were not in the first Insanity program. 

As for T25, this program is going to be more extreme. Don't get me wrong, T25 does the job and gives you a great workout, but MAX:30 is all about pushing yourself and hitting your max!

Insanity Max:30, Insanity, Shaun T, Max out, Test group, beachbody, max out

What does 'MAX' mean?

Basically your MAX is when you can't go any more. The idea is that you start the workout and give it all you got, the first time you need a break is your MAX. You then record what time you hit your max, recover, and jump right back into it. Each day you will get further and further into the workout before you max out. I like the whole 'MAX out' concept. I like that the whole idea of the program is to hit your max, and have to take a break. If you push play that first day and go through the entire program without maxing out...then you aren't pushing yourself hard enough. 

Insanity Max:30, Insanity, Shaun T, Max out, Test group, beachbody

Why do I want YOU to join me?

When I first started my fitness journey I was too scared to do Insanity. By the time I was ready to do it, I only lasted two weeks before having to stop because of an injury. I finally feel like this is a program that I will be able to master, but not without support! I will be having an Insanity MAX:30 test group and I want motivated people who are ready to push themselves to join me. I won't lie to you, this program will be tough, and THAT is why I want a group of us to start together and keep each other going. If you are ready for a challenge and want to go through this program with me from start to finish fill out the form below. I am accepting applications and will be choosing people who are serious about starting the program, and sticking to it. 

Fill out my online form.


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