Ultimate Reset Cleanse: Restore Phase

beachbody ultimate reset cleanse, jaime messina, cleanse, weight loss, toxins, results, before and afters, meals, breakfast. restore phase

This past week was the Restore Phase of my Ultimate Reset Cleanse. This was the third and final week of the cleanse. During this phase the meals are tweaked even more going fully vegan. Grains are eliminated even more and the meals consist of mostly fruits and vegetables. A new supplement called Revitalize is introduced during this phase and is added to improve your digestive track even more. Thankfully the detox supplement from phase 2 which I was NOT a fan of is eliminated in phase 3. 

beachbody ultimate reset cleanse, jaime messina, cleanse, weight loss, toxins, results, before and afters, meals, breakfast

I have to admit this was my least favorite phase of the cleanse, but I found that it was a lot easier to get through than the first time I did this cleanse a couple years ago. I was really missing grains in this last phase and was not a huge fan of the recipes (probably because I was being a brat wanting grains and meat). Although it was the most difficult of the 3 weeks, it was not hard to get through and I ended the cleanse very happy with my results. 

beachbody ultimate reset cleanse, jaime messina, cleanse, weight loss, toxins, results, before and afters

The whole point of me doing this cleanse was not to lose weight. I was doing it to cleanse toxins, and get myself out of a funk that I had gotten into. I needed to reset my eating habits, and feel good in my own skin again. I am very happy to say that I got exactly what I was hoping from the Ultimate Reset Cleanse. By the end of the 21 days I felt completely reset and back to my happy self. I am not sure if it was because I was focused on something specific for a period of time, or just a result of the cleanse but either way I am happy with my results. Although I didn't want to lose any weight, I was down 10lbs by the end of the cleanse and my father was down 10lbs as well. My sleeping pattern has improved greatly and I find myself waking up with no trouble at all feeling 100% refreshed. One of the major things that this cleanse helped me with was getting off of my ADD medication. This was something I had wanted to do for a long time and now I can say that I have. I recommend this cleanse for anyone who is looking to cleanse toxins, set good habits, get out of a funk, improve their skin, their eating habits, or just want to reset their body. 

I will admit this was not an easy cleanse. It takes work to food shop, prep, and cook all of the meals. It takes discipline to stick to the plan and remember to take your supplements. Although it was a lot of work, it was worth it! 

If you are interested in learning more about the Ultimate Reset Cleanse or would like to ask me any questions about it please feel free to send me an email at Messina1892@gmail.com.

beachbody ultimate reset cleanse, jaime messina, cleanse, weight loss, toxins


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