#TeamJDMfit:The 21 Day Fix Results Are In!

Jo Dee Messina, 21 Day fix, Jo Dee Messina workout, #teamjdmfit

In August I joined forces with my cousin Jo Dee Messina, and ran a 21 day fix challenge group. Over 300 people joined Jo Dee and I in our fix journey. The results are in, and they are awesome!! 

If you don't know what the 21 day fix is, I will give you a short description. Celebrity trainer Autumn Calabrese put together a 21 day program that not only gives you an easy to follow workout plan, but also simplifies your nutrition. It comes with these cool little color coded containers that helps you understand how much of what you should be eating each day.  If you want a more detailed description of the 21 day fix, click here. 

21 day fix, 21 day fix containers, autumn calabrese

So for 21 days Jo Dee, myself, and 350 of our closest friends followed the 21 day fix program together! I first want to speak about how seriously amazing this challenge group was! Every single person in the challenge supported one another. I was on the road a lot traveling back and forth to shows with Jo Dee, and if my internet service wasn't working, I didn't panic. That was because I knew if anyone in the group was having an issue, one of the other coaches or challengers participating would be right there to help them out. AMAZING group of people!! 

Yes we got physical results, but we also got much more than that!

beachbody challenge group

Now for some physical transformations. These are real people, with real results. They gave it all they had for 21 days, and because of that they learned new habits, made new friends, and began a journey to the best possible versions of themselves physically, and mentally that they can be! This is just the beginning! 21 days starts you off, but then you keep going and going! For everyone who participated in the challenge, you should be proud! There are so many more results from this challenge, but here are just a few. 

21 day fix results, #teamjdmfit
"I can't believe the transformation that I managed to make in 21 days! I am definitely going for another round. Down 7.5 inches and 6 pounds!

21 day fix results, #teamjdmfit
"I've lost 1 1/2 inches on my bicep, 1 inch on my chest, 3 inches from my waist, 1 1/2 inches from my hips, and 1 inch from my calf."
21 day fix results, #teamjdmfit
"2nd round of the fix -12lbs, for a grand total of 23lbs!!! Ready for round 3!!!"

21 day fix results, #teamjdmfit
"I started at 222lbs and I am now at 218 lbs"

21 day fix results, #teamjdmfit
"Lost 7 inches and 8 pounds!"

21 day fix results, #teamjdmfit
"Start weight: 155.4 - End weight: 147.4 Waist size start: 35 inches End size: 30 inches"

21 day fix results, #teamjdmfit

21 day fix results, #teamjdmfit
"Morning #teamjdmfit I did not measure myself at the beginning of 21DF, I had a body composition done which measures body fat. It's just my personal preference. The proof is in the pudding! My good friend Cassie who is a personal trainer did the body composition, entered the numbers in the system and this is the text she sent me!"
21 day fix results, #teamjdmfit
"Before I weighed 182.0 lbs, Now 174.5 lbs. Lost 7.5 lbs. 2 inches from my waist, 1.5 inches from my chest.

If you are interested in joining a future 21 Day Fix Challenge Group, please fill out the form below! 

Fill out my online form.


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