October Happenings

21 day fix, 3 day refresh, sale, discount, challenge pack, october

I really can't believe that it is already October. It feels like just last week I was talking about last October...time is flying! This is the time of the year when things start to move really fast, and can get overwhelming when it comes to your own personal health and fitness. It starts with Halloween Candy and doesn't end until New Years Day brunch. Most people decide to give up on any health and fitness plan until after the holidays, but I am here to tell you that you can in a routine while enjoying your holidays so that come January you aren't scrambling and feeling overwhelmed trying to get yourself back together. The key to surviving the holidays is to maintain, and not go overboard. I will be hosting several upcoming challenge groups to help you manage and maintain over the holidays. In the meantime I want to share the October challenge pack sales so that you can get a head start on the holidays! 

21 day fix, 3 day refresh, sale, discount, challenge pack, free gift

The 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme challenge packs with Shakeology are both on sale this month for $140. 

21 day fix, extreme,  3 day refresh, sale, discount, challenge pack

We also have both the 21 Day Fix Kickstart and Fix Extreme Kickstart challenge packs with Shakeology and the 3 Day Refresh on sale for $180. 

body beast, shakeology, challenge pack, sale, discount

If building muscle is your thing we also have the Body Beast with Shakeology Challenge Pack on sale this month for $140, and you also get the new Beachbody Performance Line sampler pack as a free gift! 

beachbody performance sampler, october sales, free gift

Here's the way I see it...you can indulge over the holidays, get out of a routine and tell yourself that you will start on January 1st, or you can stay in a routine over the holidays and come January 1st be more than ready to go. If you want to be ready to go and save some money while doing it, take advantage of one of these sales and join my next challenge group. If you would like to join, fill out the application below! 

Fill out my online form.


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