New Year, Save Yourself.

jaime messina, jaime messina transformation, depression help, lgbt, lgbt beachbody, beachbody coach, beachbody workouts, transformation photos

The end of 2011 was one of the lowest points of my life. Honestly, there was no specific event or tragedy that happened to make me fall that low, I just did. I found myself using alcohol and other substances just to feel normal, to feel fun, to feel...

jaime messina, jaime messina transformation, depression help, lgbt, lgbt beachbody, beachbody coach, beachbody workouts, transformation photos
It was Halloween, don't judge! 

I didn't give a crap whether I lived or died and believed that no one else did either. One morning I woke up with no recollection of the night before. I was wearing the same clothes and had an overwhelming feeling of guilt and embarrassment. I didn't remember how I had acted the previous night, but my subconscious was letting me know that it wasn't good. I had two options, I could end my misery, or I could do something about it. I had a gorgeous nephew at the time that sparked life in me whenever I saw him. I didn't want to leave him behind. I decided to do something...

jaime messina, jaime messina transformation, depression help, lgbt, lgbt beachbody, beachbody coach, beachbody workouts, transformation photos

jaime messina, jaime messina transformation, depression help, lgbt, lgbt beachbody, beachbody coach, beachbody workouts, transformation photos

What happened next I fully believe was the work of the universe. It carefully placed every single person, thing, event, handpicked the happenings of my life from there on. My friend Rachel was someone I confided to in how I was feeling, she helped me start. Rachel was an amazing athlete who knew her way around the gym and even though I was clearly holding her back, she brought me along and started me on a journey to a new me. But here's the thing...I hate the gym. I had social anxiety, had no clue what I was doing, and the thought of people watching me make a fool out of myself was hurting my progress. This is where the universe stepped in one of the many times I needed its guidance.

jaime messina, jaime messina transformation, depression help, lgbt, lgbt beachbody, beachbody coach, beachbody workouts, transformation photos

Rachel got an email from her old sorority sister asking if she knew anyone that wanted to join a health and fitness challenge. This woman shared the results she had got thus far and explained that it was something you could do in your own home, with support and guidance throughout the whole program. Maybe Rachel just wanted me to stop slowing her down in the gym, maybe she wanted to get her friend a sale, but whatever the reason everything for me changed that day. 

jaime messina, jaime messina transformation, depression help, lgbt, lgbt beachbody, beachbody coach, beachbody workouts, transformation photos

You see, at home programs and challenge groups aren't for everyone, but it was for me. When I purchased my package to get started I had all the hope in the world, and then none at all. On one hand, I was going to have that transformation, and on the other, I had failed at every attempt of changing in the past. But I had pain...and the pain of remaining the same outweighed the pain of failure, so I did it. I was more focused than I had ever been in my life before. I surprised myself! 

jaime messina, jaime messina transformation, depression help, lgbt, lgbt beachbody, beachbody coach, beachbody workouts, transformation photos

Every single day I put a DVD in the player (I am dating myself lol) and pushed the play button. Every day I turned down chips and beers and followed my meal plan. I committed to 90 days of this so that I could finally change my life and I'll be honest with you, I really can't believe that it actually did. 

jaime messina, jaime messina transformation, depression help, lgbt, lgbt beachbody, beachbody coach, beachbody workouts, transformation photos

I'm not sitting here saying that doing a Beachbody program will 100% change your life, but I am saying that it was just the spark I needed to wake the hell up and move forward on my path. For the first time since I was a child I felt proud, I felt accomplished, I felt confident, I felt bad ass! 

jaime messina, jaime messina transformation, depression help, lgbt, lgbt beachbody, beachbody coach, beachbody workouts, transformation photos

You see, at some point in life, we lose our faith. We are born these incredible creatures that don't let failure stop us. When a child is learning to walk, they fall on their face over and over yet they continue to get up and learn to walk. As our brain forms other people, situations, and life steal the faith from our blood and sometimes that is lost forever.  Some people are lucky and find that faith again, takes a jolt to get it back...this was my jolt. It wasn't about the physical changes for me. It was about the shift in my mindset, the blooming belief in myself, the feeling that I was capable of making things happen, knowing that I was in charge of my life. 

jaime messina, jaime messina transformation, depression help, lgbt, lgbt beachbody, beachbody coach, beachbody workouts, transformation photos

Yes, all of that bloomed from joining a challenge group because it's deeper than losing pounds or gaining muscle, it's deeper than an exterior shell, it's about personal growth, belief, faith, and mindset. When you build THOSE muscles, you are unstoppable. THAT is what saved me...and no one else could do it for me, I HAD to save myself! 

I'm hosting a 60 day New Year, New you challenge group starting on Jan. 1st and if you made it to the end of this blog post, I want you to join. If you are ready to save yourself beyond your wildest dreams I want you to fill out the application below. If you are ready to get your faith back, I want you to fill out the application below. If you are ready to go beyond the surface and unleash who you truly are, I want you to fill out the application below. You are just one decision away from a totally different life, this just might be the one! 

Fill out my online form.


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