Can My Body Really Change That Much in 60 Days??

beachbody before and afters, challenge groups, beachbody, fitness transformation, beachbody transformation, t25 transformation

Today I posted the picture above advertising for an upcoming challenge group and somebody sent me a message asking, "Can your body really change that much in 60 days??". I gave it some thought, and am here to answer this question for you.

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When I started my first 90 day fitness challenge I honestly believed in my heart and soul that after 90 days I would have this amazing transformation and be done with it. I thought all it would take was the 90 days and I would never have to do anything ever again. Sadly, I was wrong...but not sadly because it ended up being the best thing that every happened in my life. The good news is that my initial answer to the question asked of me is, Yes! Some people have that natural body type that when they make the changes necessary can transform completely in 60 or 90 days. The bad news is, I did not have that body type. Did I get to my final goal in my first 90 day challenge? No. Wait a minute though...there is more good news! I may not have reached my goal in the first 90 days, but I was well on my way! Not only was I well on my way, but I was loving every minute of it. I had a new lifestyle, I was forming a new body, and I felt the best I had ever felt...EVER! That is good news right? 

beachbody before and afters, challenge groups, beachbody, fitness transformation, beachbody transformation, t25 transformation, change, change ahead, fitness quotes, fitness motivation

Although I wasn't completely at my goal in my first 90, I saw and felt some MAJOR changes. I lost some serious inches and was well on my way to getting the abs I had always dreamed about! It wasn't long after my first 90 days that I really did see the before and after photos I was hoping for! 

beachbody before and afters, challenge groups, beachbody, fitness transformation, beachbody transformation, t25 transformation, change, change ahead, fitness quotes, fitness motivation

What that first challenge did for me was give me the base I needed to start my fitness journey. It made me both physically and mentally stronger. I didn't put on all that extra weight over night, or even in 90 why would I think it would come off that way?
beachbody before and afters, challenge groups, beachbody, fitness transformation, beachbody transformation, t25 transformation, change, change ahead, fitness quotes, fitness motivation
Now I will admit, I did not choose the most intense workout program for my first challenge. I was afraid of failing and giving up, so I chose one that is considered easier. I believe I would have seen more intense results had I picked a more challenging program. That being said, in my first 90 days I lost 4 inches from my waist, 4 inches from my hips, and 4 inches from my chest! I had more muscle tone, more energy, was smiling more, and in just an overall better mood. People started to notice the changes in me, and started commenting on them! 

So long story short....Yes, it is possible for your body to change that much in 60 or 90 days. Will YOUR body change that much in that time? I have no idea, but it WILL change...and will continue to change as long as you stick with it and trust the process! 

beachbody before and afters, challenge groups, beachbody, fitness transformation, beachbody transformation, t25 transformation, change, change ahead, fitness quotes, fitness motivation

Anyone who knows me personally knows that I am too honest to ever recommend a product to someone that I don't believe in. I can say with the utmost integrity that if you purchase a Beachbody Challenge Pack...follow the schedule...the meal plan....and drink your WILL see results! 

To see the best results possible just contact me or another coach and get yourself in a challenge group! It is always better to have the support and guidance of someone who has been through the process! 

beachbody before and afters, challenge groups, beachbody, fitness transformation, beachbody transformation, t25 transformation, change, change ahead, fitness quotes, fitness motivation

If you have any questions for me, would like to know more about Beachbody or how YOU can join an upcoming challenge group send me a message at! 


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