Not This Time!

Montel williams, ab coaster, beachbody, beachbody challenge, at home workout, at home fitness program, beachbody coach

How many of you have ever bought a fitness program online or late night while watching an infomercial and then never used it...or even opened the box?? I know I have! I bought that ab coaster thing. Montel Williams was a GREAT salesman. I saw him talking about it late night on an informercial and he had me hooked! I got my credit card out, made the purchase and could not wait for my ab coaster to arrive so I could have abs of steal. I was so excited when it arrived! I ripped the box open, put it together and was ready to go....only I wasn't ready to go. It sat in my office and collected dust for years. It wasn't that the ab coaster didn't work, I am sure if I actually used it I would have had a 6 pack like Montel in no time but the fact of the matter is that I didn't use it. It was all great in theory, but I was NOT a great self motivator at that time. From then on I was anti at home fitness. I was afraid to spend money on anything like that, because I knew in my mind that I would spend the money, and then let it sit there....while I stayed ab less. Why am I sharing this story with you? Glad you asked ;) 

fitness motivation, beachbody, beachbody challenge, at home workout, at home fitness program, beachbody coach, weight loss, health, fitness, well being, team beachbody

See the people in the picture above? They are just a few of many coaches on my Beachbody team. What does that have to do with buying an online fitness program and then letting it collect dust instead of getting rock hard abs like Montel? A lot! 

fitness motivation, beachbody, beachbody challenge, at home workout, at home fitness program, beachbody coach, weight loss, health, fitness, well being, team beachbody

So as I mentioned before, I had enough want to actually go through and purchase my ab coaster, but I never actually pulled the trigger and used it when it arrived. Fast forward a few years to when I found Team Beachbody. I had always been drawn into the informercials for insanity and P90X, but never went through with the purchase because I knew in my mind, just like the ab coaster, that I wouldn't end up using it. It wasn't until I was approached by a coach that I actually bought a program. The difference this time was that I was not going to do it alone. I wasn't just buying a fitness program, I was buying a coach who was going to motivate me, hold me accountable, provide me with any help I needed to succeed AND let me be a part of a challenge group filled with other people just like me who were doing programs at home too. I didn't buy the idea that I would finish at first, but I knew it was worth a shot. Long story short, having someone there to help me through the process, check in with me, hold me accountable, listen to my bitching and moaning, and be supportive was exactly what I needed to succeed. The people in the picture above are all coaches. They too will help you get through your program. 

fitness motivation, beachbody, beachbody challenge, at home workout, at home fitness program, beachbody coach, weight loss, health, fitness, well being, team beachbody

We coach because we believe in the products, and want to help others achieve the results that we were able to. 
If you know one of the people in the picture above and have been considering purchasing a beachbody fitness program like T25, Piyo, P90X3, the 21 Day Fix, Insanity....then why not reach out to them? You are more likely to open the box, complete the program, and see the results you want when you go through a coach. Our team starts at least one fitness accountability group a month, and would love to see your face in it! 

If you are interested in joining an upcoming challenge group, contact one of the coaches above or you can fill out the form below. Hope to talk to you soon!

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