Team B Strong Transformations

So I realize that I can sit here and type about how great shakeology and the Beachbody workouts are until my fingers fall off, but that means absolutely nothing to you all unless I support those claims with actual people who have seen results. Today I want to recognize and talk about two of my coaches who have seen major results both physically, and internally by making health and fitness a priority in their lives.

Meet Team B Strong coach Chelsea!

Insanity Before and After, insanity, beachbody results, beachbody before and after, insanity results

Chelsea has lost 90 pounds in the past 3 years. She started her journey on her own 3 years ago by adding fitness into her life. After hitting a plateau she decided to ask for Insanity as a Christmas gift. One of the best aspects of Beachbody is that when you purchase a program from them, you get a free coach. I happened to get the pleasure of being Chelsea's Beachbody coach. She started Insanity, blew past her plateau and signed on as coach. Now she is making it part of her life to help others do what she did! She recognizes that it is a lot easier when you have the support of others, and people to hold you accountable. 

Meet Team B Strong Coach Theresa!

t25 before and after, t25 results, beachbody results,

Now obviously Theresa is pregnant in this before picture, that isn't the point. Theresa had gained 50 pounds from her pregnancy. She was always an active person and loved going to the gym. Theresa is a lot like I am in the sense that if I am not active, I start feeling crappy and depressed. The doctor told her 5 months into her pregnancy that she had to stop working out and after the birth of her gorgeous son Markie she was still not able to workout. This caused her to feel stressed out, depressed, and like she was never going to get her body back. She was never one to workout at home but the fact that she had a new baby, and limited time prompted her to join a T25 challenge group. Monday was day 30 of the group and since the start she was down 9 pounds and 10 inches. When I asked her to tell me how she felt after the first 30 days of the challenge this is what she had to say, 

"Awesome! I finally feel like I am back to myself. I have way more energy. I was literally going to bed at 7, and now I do cleaning, laundry, cooking, shopping, and running with Marky. I feel like I am more able to enjoy Markie, and finally able to enjoy my life again".

Theresa was always a fit girl. Even after having a baby she looked fit to everyone else. Some times its not about how much you weigh, or if you have to lose's about how you feel inside. 

fitness motivation, beachbody transformations

For me, the physical transformation that comes along with focusing on health and fitness is great, but the real prize is the way that you feel inside. I feel like the best I have ever felt, which has added to me being the best version of myself I can possibly be in all aspects of my life. 
Team B Strong, Beachbody Coach, the dream team

I am incredibly proud to have both Chelsea and Theresa as part of my team. We all have the same overall feeling about what this company can do for ourselves, and other people. The two of them are now out there spreading the word, and helping others achieve what they did! If you are interested in learning more about upcoming challenge groups or joining my team please fill out the form below.
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