April Fitness Brings May Abs: April Deals!

April fitness sale, beachbody discounts, Jaime Messina, p90X3, Shakeology, Piyo, Ultimate Reset Cleanse,

Not only is it a new month with new challenge pack deals, but in my opinion it is a CRUCIAL month if you are looking to get in shape for Summer! Here's the deal, as your coach it is my job to be 100% honest with you, and not sugar coat anything. That is because I want you to see results, and if I am not being REAL...you won't see them. So the bad news is...if you wanted to be bikini ready by May 1st, you are really cutting it close! The good news is that it is the 1st of April, and you still have time to make some serious progress. That being said, your best option there would be the 21 Day Fix, because I feel that is the program that people see the most extreme results in the smallest amount of time. Unfortunately, that is not one of the challenge pack promos this month (sorry I don't choose which ones are on sale!). Luckily, there are 4 awesome promotions going on this month that will help you make some significant progress towards your goals! 

First up we have the PiYo & Shakeology Challenge Pack ! 

April fitness sale, beachbody discounts, Jaime Messina, p90X3, Shakeology, Piyo, Ultimate Reset Cleanse,

There are a couple of reasons that this is great news for you! One...I absolutely LOVE when challenge packs are on sale for $140! Why? Well because you are basically getting a program for $11. That is HUGE. PiYo is a 60 day, low-impact, high intensity program that is going to shred your core, help you achieve some serious flexibility, and lose weight in the process. 

Second, Chalene Johnson is absolutely amazing! I love everything about her, and she is the creator of PiYo. She has an encouraging, nurturing way about her, so if you are someone who doesn't do well with people screaming at you, she's your lady. This program take aspects of pilates, yoga, and Chalenes own unique style, puts them all together in a package of pure fitness gold. This is the type of workout where you THINK you are going to have it easy, but end up sweating your butt off, and seeing some serious results. 

April fitness sale, beachbody discounts, Jaime Messina, p90X3, Shakeology, Piyo, Ultimate Reset Cleanse,

This program is great for people who have had injuries where they need low-impact, for people looking to improve their flexibility, or strengthen their core and entire body really. 

If you are interested in purchasing the PiYo Challenge Pack, click here! 

In addition to the Piyo & Shakeology Challenge pack, we also have the PiYo Kickstart Challenge pack on sale for $180. 

April fitness sale, beachbody discounts, Jaime Messina, p90X3, Shakeology, Piyo, Ultimate Reset Cleanse,

The PiYo Kickstart Challenge Pack is pretty bad ass because it saves you some SERIOUS $$ over $90 to be exact. Not only that but you are getting a complete package of tools that are going to not only help you reach your goals, but kickstart you in the right direction. Here is what you get: 30 day supply of Shakeology, the 60 day PiYo workout, as well as the 3 Day Refresh Cleanse. My suggestion here would be to start off with the cleanse, kickstart your results, and jump right into the PiYo program! 

So bottom line, if you want to save $$ and kickstart your weight loss, this is the program for you! To get your PiYo Kickstart Challenge Pack, click here!

April fitness sale, beachbody discounts, Jaime Messina, p90X3, Shakeology, Piyo, Ultimate Reset Cleanse,

For all you P90X lovers this is a good one! This month the P90X3 & Shakeology Challenge pack is on sale for $140! Like I said earlier, I love when challenge packs are on sale for $140 because you are only paying $11 for a program, but this one is even more exciting for me because normally this program is $205...that is INSANE!  

I saw some of my BEST results with the original P90X, but that was back in the day when the workouts were MUCH longer! P90X3 will give you the same extreme results as P90X, but in 30 minute workouts! Tony Horton's unique, silly personality always has me laughing, and he knows his fitness! This program also comes with Shakeology which is a crucial part of your nutrition! 

If you are interested in taking advantage of the P90X3 & Shakeology Challenge Pack Deal, click here! 

April fitness sale, beachbody discounts, Jaime Messina, p90X3, Shakeology, Piyo, Ultimate Reset Cleanse,

Last but not least we have the Ultimate Reset & Shakeology Challenge Pack for $275! I will be honest with you, The Ultimate Reset is NO JOKE! It is a 21 Day Intensive cleanse that is meant to reset your body to it's factory settings. It is not a cleanse where you are not eating, you actually eat a lot, it is just very specific things. I recommend this program for serious people only, BUT if you ARE serious, the results are absolutely amazing! 

April fitness sale, beachbody discounts, Jaime Messina, p90X3, Shakeology, Piyo, Ultimate Reset Cleanse,

Both myself and my brother have done this cleanse and have seen amazing results. When I was through I was feeling like a whole new person. If you want to learn more about the Ultimate Reset Cleanse you can do so here. Darin Olien, creator of Shakeology and the Ultimate Reset Cleanse will be doing a 'Spring Cleaning' where everyone who is interested in doing the cleanse can start together on April 29th! Customers who do the Reset with Darin can enter to win a copy of his new book, and some other pretty cool prizes. You can find out more about the 'Spring Cleaning' with Darin by heading over to www.superlife.com/ultimate-reset/

If you are interested in purchasing the Ultimate Reset Challenge Pack you can do so here, but I recommend reaching out to speak to me first! You can email me at Messina1892@gmail.com 

That is what we have lined up for you in the month of April! I also have several challenge groups starting to support you through your program. If you are interested in a challenge group, fill out the application below. Like I said earlier, Summer bodies are made in the winter BUT you still have some time. The sooner you start, the better! Happy April! 

Fill out my online form.


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