3 Day Quick Fix

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Now I am not about a magic pill or an overnight fix when it comes to health, but sometimes you just have a bad weekend and need to get back on track. That is where this 3 day fix came in for me! The 21 day fix is an awesome program to begin with, but the 3 day quick fix cleanse that you can do within the 21 day fix is seriously mind blowing. I knew it was going to help a little, but the results I got were insane. Had the before and after picture not been on me I wouldn't believe that it was a 3 day transformation. I'd like to say that the lighting and outfit choice had to do with how I look in the before picture, but sadly I don't think it has anything to do with it. 

21 day fix, 3 day quick fix, 3 day quick fix results, beachbody results, beachbody transformation, 21 day fix results, 21 day fix transformation

Last weekend I spent two days traveling. I was out of my routine, lacking sleep, and was forced to make food choices that I would normally avoid. That being said, I felt extremely bloated and gross by the time I got home Sunday night. I was going away to the beach for following weekend and needed a quick fix to get myself back on track. I had tried the 3 day quick fix in the past and really enjoyed the food, so I gave it a shot. I like this cleanse because you are eating a lot, it is only 3 days long, and as you can see it works. This is usually something that you do at the end of the 21 day fix program, but you can also do it every now and then for a body boost....like before a beach weekend (This is not something you want to do for more than 3 days).

21 day fix, 3 day quick fix, 3 day quick fix results, beachbody results, beachbody transformation, 21 day fix results, 21 day fix transformation

To do this cleanse you will need the 21 day fix containers. I recommend buying the entire program. The workouts are 30 minutes or less, and are good ones! 

The Details:

  • Space your meals approximately two hours apart. 
  • The recommended steamed veggies are broccoli, asparagus, green beans, zucchini, cucumbers, bell peppers. 
  • Acceptable seasonings are: lemon and lime juice, vinegar, and spices. No Salt!
  • Cinnamon is great for flavoring your oatmeal.
  • Drink lots of water. At least one gallon a day.Spread it out throughout the day. It will help you feel full, and flush out toxins.
  • Drink the extra virgin coconut oil with your meal. If you need to warm it up stick it in the microwave for 10 seconds. I took mine with a shot glass. 
  • Coffee and tea are fine to drink, but plain. No creamers or sweeteners. Use lemon! 
  • No need to alter your workout. Workout like you would any other day. 

Meal #1- Cooked steel cut oatmeal (1 yellow container), egg whites (1 red container), 1 teaspoon of extra virgin coconut oil. 

Meal #2- Grilled chicken (1 red container), steamed yams (1 yellow container)

Meal #3- Steamed fish (1 red container), Steamed veggies (1 green)

Meal #4- Grilled chicken (1 red container), steamed veggies (1 green), 1 tsp. extra virgin coconut oil. 

Meal #5- Steamed fish (1 red container), Steamed veggies (1 green container), 1 tsp. coconut oil.

Meal #6- Lean ground turkey (1 red container), Steamed veggies (1 green), 1 tsp. coconut oil. 

Repeat this for the next 3 days. Remember to drink LOTS of water and NO SALT. 

To purchase your 21 Day Fix, click here!

If you have any questions about the 3 day fix or would like to join an upcoming challenge group please fill out the form below!

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