Cancun 2015: Beachbody Success Club Trip

Yesterday I returned home from the 2015 Team Beachbody Success Club Trip in Cancun, Mexico.  This was a trip that I earned for me and a guest by hitting success club throughout last year. I decided to bring my best friend and her husband along with me. This trip was amazing in so many ways, but mostly because I use it as a marker to gauge how much I have grown both personally and in my business over the past year. 

beachbody success club trip, live workout, autumn calabrese, 21 day fix, Jaime messina

Last year was my first success club trip, and that was when the little switch went off in my head. I came back from that trip destined to be a more confident person who was willing to step outside their comfort one to grow. Last year was all about finding myself, and this year was all about celebrating that person I found! 

beachbody success club trip, live workout, autumn calabrese, 21 day fix, Jaime messina

It absolutely baffles me that because I decided to take a chance three years ago and trust a friend of a friend who asked me to join this challenge group, that my life has went down a completely different road than I was headed. Once quiet, insecure, and depressed, I now feel full alive. That alone would have been enough for me to celebrate, but on top of all that I found a new career as a health and fitness coach, and earn free trips because of it!

Of course a free trip to Mexico is nice and all, but there are much deeper reasons why these trips are so amazing. 

Surround Yourself With Those That Lift You Up

The energy on the success club trip is infectious. You are surrounded by leaders in the company, the trainers, people who have reached their goals, on the way to their goals, and some who are just starting. There are all walks of life, but there is one common factor...we are all on the road to bettering ourselves. We may be at different points in our journey, but are all heading in the same direction! So many times we see people through the internet, on video chats, follow their workout programs on a dvd, watch videos on youtube, or listen to podcasts. To be able to see and speak to people in person, network with other coaches, and workout with the trainers live takes things to a more personal level. That is one aspect that I really enjoy about attending these events. This time around I got to meet and take photos with Shaun T, Autumn Calabrese, and Tony Horton. I have completed all of their programs! 

beachbody success club trip, live workout, Shaun T, T25, Insanity Max 30, Jaime messina

beachbody success club trip, live workout, Tony Horton,P90X, Jaime messina
beachbody success club trip, live workout, autumn calabrese, 21 day fix, Jaime messina

Doing the workouts with the trainers, surrounded by my teammates was also very cool! It doesn't matter who we are, or where we are from, we all sweat. 

Beachbody Knows How to Throw a Party!

Beachbody totally knows how to throw a party and make their coaches feel special. The first day we arrived there were banners hanging welcoming us, and healthy snacks waiting while we checked in. That night we were welcomed with a party by the beach, with food, drinks, dancing, fireworks, and a show! The guys from corporate got on stage and made sure we all knew how much they appreciated us! 

It was the perfect way to kick off the week! 

Each morning you had a choice to workout with the celebrity trainers. You could choose Shaun T, Autumn Calabrese, Tony Horton, or if you are crazy all three! After the workout we were served Shakeology at the Shakeology bar. During the day we were free to go on excursions, hang by the pool, network with coaches, or attend trainings that they offered. 

beachbody success club trip, live workout, autumn calabrese, 21 day fix, Jaime messina

beachbody success club trip, live workout

It is pretty awesome to be able to celebrate your success with all of your friends in a healthy, and inspiring way. I use to hate going on vacations that were ONLY about drinking and sitting around. Don't get me wrong, I like to have fun, but I always like to do it in moderation and have a healthy balance. 

Next year I want every single person on my team with us on the 2016 Success Club cruise! I am now accepting applications to join TeamBStrong and get on the list to join us on our trip next year.  Apply below! 

Fill out my online form.


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