May Specials and Promotions

insanity max 30,shakeology, shaun T, Kickstart, 3 day refresh, savings, Jaime MEssina, Max 30

It's May, it's warm, and it's time to get it together! So I'll get straight to the point and inform you on how you can get it together, while saving some cash! We have 6 specials going on this month within Beachbody, and your're in luck because I have done all of these programs and can give you my own personal incite! 

Deal #1 Insanity MAX:30

insanity max 30,shakeology, shaun T, Kickstart, 3 day refresh, savings, Jaime MEssina, Max 30, max out

See that geek cheesing in the picture above? Yup, that's me! I did Insanity MAX:30 in December and January. I will be honest with you guys, it was tough! Some people LOVE Insanity, some people don't....haha. I am not a lover, but have serious respect for what the program does for people both physically and mentally. T25 will never be the same for me is just too easy now, and I was mentally TOUGH after 60 days. If you love extreme, and loved the old Insanity, you will love this program! 

insanity max 30,shakeology, shaun T, Kickstart, 3 day refresh, savings, Jaime MEssina, Max 30

This month the Insanity MAX:30 Challenge Pack, normally $205  is on special for $180. You get a month supply of Shakeology, the 60 day Insanity MAX:30 program, 30 days free as a Beachbody club member which gives you access to over $2000 worth of streaming workouts, discount shipping, and ME as your coach !
If you want to take advantage of the MAX:30 special this month, click here! 

insanity max 30,shakeology, shaun T, Kickstart, 3 day refresh, savings, Jaime MEssina, Max 30

Like everything I had to say in the last paragraph about MAX:30 but want to kickstart your results? You can do that with the MAX:30 kickstart challenge pack! This challenge pack comes with all the same goodies as the regular MAX challenge pack, but you also get the 3 Day Refresh Cleanse to kick off your journey, and maximize your results. You save over $100 with this package, that is pretty crazy! What do you get? The 60 Day Insanity MAX:30 workout program, a months supply of Shakeology, The 3 Day Refresh Cleanse, 30 day free trial of Beachbody on Demand, discounted shipping, and me as your coach all for $220. Big time savings on this one! 

If you are interested in taking advantage of the Insanity MAX:30 kickstart Challenge Pack, click here! 

womens body beast results, body beast, challenge pack, results, fitness, women, sagi, jaime messina,

See that picture above there? That after picture is only after 60 days of the Body Beast program! I never even completed the 3rd round! (although I am going to go back and do it after this round of the fix extreme). Basically my point is that Body Beast works, and its on discount this month for $140. That means that when you buy Shakeology, for just $11 more you can also own the Body Beast workout program! If you are looking to either bulk up OR just build lean muscle you can do both of those things with this program! They give you a choice of which outcome you want to see! Body Beast for $11? Pretty good deal if you ask me! You will need weights and either a bench or a ball to do this workout. If you want to take advantage of the Body Beast Challenge Pack, click here!

body beast, challenge pack, results, fitness, women, sagi, jaime messina,

piyo challenge pack, piyo, chalene johnson, save money, fitness, pilates, yoga, jaime messina

I absolutely LOVE when challenge packs are on sale for $140! Why? Well because you are basically getting a program for $11. Challenge packs come with Shakeology which is normally $129, so for $11 you have your PiYo too! That is HUGE. PiYo is a 60 day, low-impact, high intensity program that is going to shred your core, help you achieve some serious flexibility, and lose weight in the process. Chalene Johnson is one of my favorite people on this planet (although I don't know her personally, I'd love to! Hi Chalene!) She is absolutely brilliant in both business, and fitness. She just so happens to also be the creator of PiYo. She has an encouraging, nurturing way about her which is good for those people who do better with encouragement vs. being scared into doing things. This program combines aspects of pilates and yoga with Chalenes' own unique style into a workout program that will not only give you the body you want physically, it will also work on that mind of yours. 

If you are interested in taking advantage of the PiYo Challenge Pack, click here! 

 In addition to the Piyo & Shakeology Challenge pack, we also have the PiYo Kickstart Challenge pack on sale for $180. That is a $95 savings! 

Here's what you get: 

The 60 day PiYo fitness program, a month supply of Shakeology, the 3 Day Refresh Cleanse, 30 day free trial of Beachbody on Demand, discount shipping, and me as your coach :) 

If you are interested in the PiYo Kickstart Challenge Pack, Click here! 

Beachbody Ultimate REset Cleanse, results, Jaime messina, cleanse,

Here is the deal with The Ultimate Reset, it does absolutely amazing things for your body. It basically resets your body to its factory settings. I have done this cleanse in the past, and also helped my brother through it this past year, so lets be clear that I think this cleanse is amazing. I do always want to make sure that people understand and are physically and mentally prepared for what this cleanse actually is though before purchasing. The cleanse is 21 days, but there is also an after phase which you phase yourself back into things. The reason I am saying all this is because I like people to be 100% committed before purchasing the Ultimate Reset. The benefits and results are worth it, but during the cleanse it is a lot of work and takes time, and a lot of mental strength to get through. If you want to see what I am talking about you can check out my journey here, and my brothers journey here. Again, if you are ready to do this cleanse, I think it is pretty awesome! I just want you all to read up on it first! You can read more about the Ultimate Reset Cleanse by clicking here or contact me and I would love to get on the phone with you and discuss it further!

Ultimate Reset challenge pack, cleanse,

If you are interested in the Ultimate Reset Challenge Pack, click here!

There is something for everyone this month! I also have a few challenge groups starting up so if you want to take it a step further and hold yourself accountable with a group please contact me! You can message me over on facebook!


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